Directed and staffed by a team of qualified adults, the Before and After School Program offers parents flexibility and peace of mind before and after the school day. The program provides positive and interactive supervision with the comforts of home including: daily structured age appropriate activities, large comfortable area with multiple rooms, indoor downtime activities, outdoor play, homework time, and seasonal parties.
Hours of Operation:
Before After Care Policies and Procedures
Drop off and pick up procedures:
Students arriving to before-care will be dropped off at the Falls of Neuse side doors of Raphael Hall.
Students being picked up from after-care will be picked up at the breezeway doors between Raphael Hall and Ignatius Hall.
Drop ins to after-care will be signed in beginning at 3:35pm and billed accordingly.
Food and drink expectations:
Please pack a snack for your child, separate from school day food, that is to be consumed at after-care. Students will use their own refillable water bottle.
Areas for play and play expectations:
Raphael Hall is the central location for before and after care activities. Aftercare moves to the innovation lab on Thursdays at 5pm. Students will utilize the playground and blacktop for outdoor play.
To make activities enjoyable and safe for everyone, all students are expected to:
Discipline for unacceptable behavior:
Students who engage in unacceptable behavior will be subject to the following consequences:
Equipment and materials:
Materials are kept in the northeast closet. Middle school students are encouraged to bring their own outdoor play equipment. All students are responsible for their personal belongings. Please place names on all personal items.
Time will be set aside each day at after-care for homework and quiet reading. Middle school students must bring their free-read books to after-care.
Cell phones:
Students will turn in cell phones when arriving at before and after care. Phones will be issued back to the student when dismissed from.
Emergency Procedures:
In the event of an emergency, a loud whistle and code word will be used to quickly instruct the students to return to Raphael Hall or the nearest safe location.
Before and after-care will follow SRCS emergency procedures.
Supply List:
All students attending after-care at least three days a week should supply the following items at the beginning of the year.
How to register your student:
Before School Care Rates:
After School Care Rates:
Drop in Rates:
The aftercare department will submit monthly charges to the billing department at the end of each month. The billing department will process and bill charges at the beginning of each month for the prior month's activity. Families will receive FACTS invoices via email around the beginning of each month (for prior month charges) and payment will be due around the 15th of each month. For example, August will be billed around September 5th and due around September 15th. September will be billed out around October 5th and due October 15th, etc. Families that are set up in FACTS for auto draft on incidental bills will have their payment drafted automatically on the 15th ish of each month. Families can enroll in or check their enrollment status for incidental billing auto draft at any time by logging into their FACTS account.
Is there a drop in program?
We do offer drop-in for early arrival and after-care. If you would like your student to drop in, please notify the extended day program at [email protected] or the front desk.
What if I am late to carpool, and where do I pick up?
If you arrive after 3:30, your student will be escorted to the after-care room in Raphael Hall. You can pick up your student from the front doors of Raphael Hall on the Falls of Neuse side. You will be billed through your FACTS account.
How are snacks handled?
Students are asked to bring a nut-free snack every day they attend the program. We do not provide snacks.
Extended day hours of operation?
Early arrival drop-off begins at 7:00 AM, and after-care runs from dismissal until 6:00. We are open for most half days until 4:30 PM. There is no after-care on the last school day before Christmas break and the last day of school.